Corrupt practices

Corrupt practices
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Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "Corrupt practices" в других словарях:

  • Corrupt practices — United Kingdom This article is part of the series: Politics and government of the United Kingdom …   Wikipedia

  • Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau — (Abbreviation: CPIB; Chinese: 贪污调查局; Malay: Biro Siasatan Pencegahan Rasuah) is a government agency in Singapore which investigates and prosecutes corruption in the public and private sectors. It was established by the British colonial government …   Wikipedia

  • corrupt practices acts — corrupt practices acts, U.S. laws or legislation designed to curb unethical election or electoral campaign practices, such as purchasing votes, tampering with voting machines, and using unlimited funds or funds from illegal sources to influence… …   Useful english dictionary

  • corrupt practices act — corrupt prac·tic·es act n: a law regulating the amount and source of political campaign contributions and requiring detailed reports of expenditures Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • corrupt practices acts — n. laws limiting contributions to and expenditures in election campaigns, making illegal certain methods of influencing voters, etc. * * * …   Universalium

  • corrupt practices acts — n. laws limiting contributions to and expenditures in election campaigns, making illegal certain methods of influencing voters, etc …   English World dictionary

  • Corrupt Practices Act 1695 — The Corrupt Practices Act 1695 (7 8 Will. III, c. 4) was an Act of Parliament of the Parliament of England passed in 1696, the long title of which is An Act for preventing Charge and Expence in Elections of Members to serve in Parliament. It was… …   Wikipedia

  • Corrupt Practices —    BL Bill in reference to, introduced, 99; excites great public attention, 99; passed by Assembly, but rejected by Legislative Council, 100 …   The makers of Canada

  • Federal Corrupt Practices Act — The Federal Corrupt Practices Act (also known as the Publicity Act) was a federal law of the United States enacted in 1910 and amended in 1911 and 1925. It remained the nation s primary law regulating campaign finance in federal elections until… …   Wikipedia

  • Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 — (FCPA) Makes it unlawful to bribe a foreign official in an effort to obtain or retain business. The FCPA s anti bribery provisions apply to people and businesses in the United States, to some foreign issuers of securities, and to foreign… …   Law dictionary

  • Foreign Corrupt Practices Act — The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 (15 U.S.C. §§ 78dd 1, et seq.) is a United States federal law known primarily for two of its main provisions, one that addresses accounting transparency requirements under the Securities Exchange Act of… …   Wikipedia

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